My calf is still a bit sore, than in good grace, I smashed my ankle putting away Powerade at work today. Hurt like a bitch. Made my toes go numb for a good minute or so. That was 10am. Nice.
Still should take a day off today, but needed something. Didn't get a whole lotta sleep. Had some nightmare drama and my cat being a prima donna. Woke up every hour between 1-6am. Oh well. Worked my shift, took a 15 minute nap and put my ass to the grind. The goods:
Pull-ups (with chair)
Body Squats
Curl-Up/Hammer Down
Shoulder Press
Upward Rows
30 Seconds each exercise, 5 second breather after. After completed once, 1 minute rest. Repeat x 2.
After 3 rounds of that fun, move to:
Deep Swimmers Curl-Ups (start palms up w/ elbows to ribs, curling up, while twisting, finishing with palms aways from you w/ extended arms)
Hammer Curls
Chin-Ups (with chair)
Static Arm curls
Dips (with chair)
30 seconds each exercise, 5 second breather. After completed once, 1 minute rest. Repeat x 2.
Altogether 6 rounds of strength training. Finish with 1 minute ab work of 6 inches, and 1 minute ab work of plank.
Stretch. DONE!
Showered. Watched Spain v Portugal. Like a visual speedball. Lulls ya to sleep for 90 minutes, you awake in pleasure for a 1/2 hour, then speed like an addict during the penalty kicks. Wow! Sooo damn uninteresting during regulation and in the end my heart is beating outta my chest. Spain pulls it out!!! Woo!! Wearing my lucky kit!!!
Celebrating with some Vodka :)
Playlist: Sleeper Agent and Slayer
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