Saturday, February 28, 2015

Get the Hell Outta Here February, You're Too Cold

The last day in February, thank god, is almost over. It was the 5th or 6th coldest February on record for Philly. Let's keep our fingers crossed March is warmer. We did luck out snow wise. We really didn't get too much so far this winter. Despite the cold, I'm getting out for 2 runs a week and I hit the elliptical once a week as well. I'm working up my mileage slowly, but now I'm getting into the height of my training. I'm feeling good overall and still I'm continuing my 10 minute stretch and massage every morning.

My running this week was a 5.17 mile run in 45 minutes on Wednesday. I hit the elliptical on Friday for 5.4 miles in 45 minutes. Today, I braved the cold and ran 6.08 in 55 minutes. I'm relatively pain free and feel quite good. I even managed to drop 4 pounds in the last 2 weeks. I've been only running in my neighborhood, which is pretty hilly, coz all the trails are frozen over. I'm looking forward for a long run on one of the flatter trails. I'd be interested in my time. I'm averaging a little under a 9 minute mile, which I'm happy with right now. I'm happy with the hill work I'm getting in as well. It will prepare me a bit for the Mount Penn trail 15K Zim and I signed up for in mid April. 

My running plan next week is to aim for 2 outdoor runs. One that is around 5 miles (45 minutes) and another one that's around 7 and 1/2 miles (1 hour 5 minutes). In between I'll get 45-55 minutes on the elliptical as well. 

I did get ANOTHER pair of compression pants. I bought a pair of full length 2XU pants. I tried them out today and was very happy with them. Zim bought a pair of Skinz on Amazon and wore them for a 5 mile race in the morning. He loved them!! I think I'm about ready for a review very soon. Stay warm!!

Playlist: Give Up the Ghost!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Oscar Time!

One of my favorite times of year! The Oscars. I've seen a bunch of the films. I wish I saw all of them. Anyways, it's tough this year. A ton of great performances, and flicks in general. Here's what I think:


Documentary Feature: VIVIAN MIER

Directing: Richard Linklater - BOYHOOD

Supporting Actress: Jeez, kinda hard. I'd go with Emma Stone, but Keira Knightly was damn good as well. Patrica Aquette was quite good. Emma Stone.

Supporting Actor: Another tough one. I'm gonna go with Edward Norton. REALLY like Mark Ruffalo too. Ethan Hawk was pretty damn good as well.

Actress: A week ago I woulda said Reese Witherspoon. I really, really like WILD. Should have been nominated for best picture in my opinion. Then I watched GONE GIRL. My pick is now Rosamund Pike. I'd be happy with either pick. Didn't see STILL ALICE though.

Actor: Another tough one. I wouldn't been surprised with any of these men. My pick, Michael Keaton.

Best Picture: Wow. Tough. I'm gonna go with BIRDMAN.

Snow Again

I was hoping to get a nice little run in this afternoon, but with the temperature of a balmy 20 degrees out this early afternoon and snow, I ended up going to the gym to hit up the elliptical. And DAMN, what a drive to get there. I have a Jeep, so I've never too worried about driving in the snow. I wasn't worried about the 5 mile drive to my gym, but wow, the traffic out was nutty. There was only about an inch and a half on the ground, and it was a little dicey in spots, but other drivers were in full on panic mode. I really thought someone might slide into me a few times. The 10 minute drive to the gym turned into 20-25 minutes. I hit up the elliptical for 45 minutes and called it a day. My adrenaline must have been pumpin' coz I hit over 6 miles in those 45 minutes. I hit a 5K in about 22 minutes, and I didn't have it on a low level. I was doing my 15 sprint, 15 regular, 15 sprint, 15 regular and up the levels each minute for 5 minutes. Worked up a nice sweat!

As for the running, I'm doing good. I ended up running two days after my first time back running and did feel a little soreness in my hamstring/sciatic. Nothing bad or painful, just like a "hey, you haven't used me in a while", type of thing. I ended up using the elliptical again that week, just to give myself more of a rest. I did run again on Wednesday, and felt pretty good. I felt the soreness a tiny bit, and overall felt pretty damn good about the run. I ran 4.3 miles in 37 minutes. One thing that did happen on that run was that I tripped on the sidewalk and took a spill. It honestly felt like I was in slow motion. I more or less landed in a slide, and luckily didn't get hurt what so ever. I guess I awakened something in my fall and my time got faster. I wish I could lie and say I hit ice, but no, my mind was already on crossing a street, and I fell. Lucked out.

I did decide to stick with the half marathon I signed up for. With the weather the way it's been, most of the runners have been training on the treadmill or an elliptical I'd presume. I still have till March 1st to get my money back, but I'm confident I can run it. Unless I'm limping, I'm all in for this run.

Tomorrow is supposed to be in the 40s. Maybe I'll sneak in a run. Fingers crossed.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Back Out Running

I laced up my sneakers, put my compression pants and socks on and hit the pavement. And was PAIN FREE. I ran for a half hour for 3.4 miles. I didn't push for speed, just ran with the mindset of "Let's see how I feel". And the next day, still feel fine. I'm super happy. I'll try another half hour run sometime this week. I'm still stretching every morning for 5-10 minutes. That's helped a ton. 

Today was a quickie workout. See how many round you can do in 20 minutes:

5 asst pull-ups
15 push-ups
20 punching sit-ups
25 squats

7 rounds in 18:55. Finished with a one minute plank.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Super Bowl Sunday

It's been a good game. I could care less who wins, but if I had to root for a team it would be Seattle. The commercials, blah...kinda depressing. The highlight for me was Katy Perry. I found it really entertaining. She was fun! 

I'm taking it easy and resting my right leg. I really don't feel any tightness, but I'm going to wait another week or two to try out running. I'm still using the massage ball and doing multiple daily stretches. It's helped a bunch. So I've been rocking the elliptical three times a week. It's very boring, but you gotta do what ya gotta do.

Here's the last three workouts:

Friday: Elliptical. 50 minutes. 15 second sprint, 15 second regular pace, 15 second sprint, 15 second regular pace. Alternate resistance levels from levels 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 with each minute.

Saturday: Crossfit inspired.

As many rounds in 20 minutes

5 minute warm-up

3 asst pull-ups
10 squats
10 push-ups
10 jumping lunges
5 burpees

5 minutes abs
Cool down

Sunday: Elliptical at my parents. 58 minutes. 15 second sprint/reg pace. Alternated resistance 3-7. Finished with 5 minutes of abs.