Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday Night Rundown

This week flew by! Not a bad thing. I got two workouts in and made it to the movie "Her" which I enjoyed. Interesting movie and beautifully shot. Gave you a bit to think about after the movie was done.  The Oscars are going to be interesting this year. I've seen most of the movies with the exception of "Gravity", "Wolf of Wall Street", and "Captain Phillips". I was quite surprised that the Coen's "Inside Llywen Davis" got snubbed. It was probably my favorite movie this year. It's not for everyone, not the quickest paced either, but there was something so intriguing about it. I couldn't stop trying to figure out the underlying meaning of it. I've read a couple theories on the film, and one is really interesting and cool if it was shot that way. Lots of really good films in general this year though. It's so hard to pick the best.

Workouts! Here's my Tuesday and Thursday breakdowns:

Tuesday: Legs inside at the gym

1/4 mile warm-up jog/ stretch

Leg extension (70, 80, 95)
Leg flexion (70, 80, 95)
Calf raise (120, 140, 160)
Hip Abductor (120, 130, 140)
Hip adductor (115, 125, 135)
Body squats 
Elbow to knee

1/2 mile on the elliptical 

Reps: 10, 8, 5.

Thursday: Total body at the gym

1/4 mile warm-up jog/ stretch

Lat pull-down (50)
Seated chest press (40)

Calf raise (120,140,160) 

Seated chest press (30)
Tricep pull-down (30)

Leg flexion (70, 80)

Lawnmowers (dumbells - 15lb)
Curl/hammers (dumbell- 15lb)

Body squats (10 reps, 8)
Elbow to knee (10, 8)

1/2 mile on the elliptical 


Still feeling good and have decent energy. I'm getting more women saying hello and smiling at me at the gym since I'm showing pretty well. Can't believe Sunday will make 6 months! 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Is It Spring Yet?

Last weekend spring teased us with 50 degree temperatures. Pretty damn nice out. There's still some snow on the ground, but a lot of it has melted. Monday brought back the winter temps and the whole week is back into the lower 30s again. Such is winter. Here's what I did over the weekend:

Saturday and Sunday, as nice as it was out, I rode the elliptical at the gym. The trails were all still snow and ice covered. I did 35 minutes both days and ran in between 3 and 1/4 and 3 and 1/2 miles.

Monday was back into the basement for some upper body moves.

5 minute warm-up

In & out hammers
Overhead triceps
Push ups

Shoulder press
In and out biceps
Tricep kickbacks
Push ups

Seated shoulder fly
Dips (20,10)
Push ups

Upright row
Static arm curl
Tricep row (bands)
Push ups 


Finish with a mile run. (Finally an outside run!!!)

Cool down and stretch.

Weights: 15lbs. Reps: 10, 8. Push ups: 2,1.

Monday, February 17, 2014

One More Clipper

Last week's storm left us with about 14 plus or minus inches of snow. It was a pain in the ass, but we're all just used to it by now. Tonight the weather folks are calling for 2-4 inches and then by the end of the week, temperatures are in the 50s. Flooding's gonna be a problem, but I'll take the warmer temperatures and anything that's not snow or sleet. Poor Zim's arms are gonna fall off from all the shoveling he's done in the past couple months. But I am looking forward to the warmer temps coming up! Maybe the trail will finally be clear!

Last Saturday and Sunday were indoor cardio days. Saturday we got about 2 inches of snow and Sunday temperatures didn't rise above 30. Both days I rode the elliptical for 35 minutes each around 3 and 1/4 miles. Today I lifted in my basement. The garage was still a little too cold. Here's how it went:

5 minute warm-up

In & out bicep curls
Dips (20,10)
Push-ups (3,2)

Shoulder press
In & out hammers
Tricep kickback 

Shoulder flys
Standing band row
Standing tricep row

Upright row
Static arm curls
Medicine ball tricep press (9lbs)


Finish with 1 round of shadow boxing, 1 round heavy bag.

Cool down/Stretch


Weights: 15 lb. Reps: 10,8,

Playlist: Morning Glory

Still feel pretty good. Feel like I could do a couple rounds on the heavy bag but I don't wanna push my body. Hopefully I feel the same way for the next month or so!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Foot Thus Far.

Snow has piled up a little over a foot so far. The storm isn't over yet unfortunately. The back end is spinning around to hit us again for another 2-4 inches, or so the weather folks say. I have a feeling I'm not going to make Ito work tomorrow. Oh well. Around 1pm I headed to my basement to get a workout in and to break up the day. 

5 minute warm-up

Shoulder press
Body squats
Concentration curls
Tricep kickback
Upright rows
In & out hammers 
Tip toe lunges
Calf raises w/ dumbbells

Running a place for a minute


Finish w/ a round of shadow boxing and a round on the heavy bag.

Cool down

Weights:15lbs, reps 1st set, 10, 2nd, 8.

Playlist: Lawrence Arms

Come on spring!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Nor'Easter? Really?

Here we go again. More. Snow. And this time, maybe over a foot. They are calling for 9-16 inches. This area cannot catch a break. HOPEFULLY the temperature will rise just enough to change it to rain. But, I doubt that's going to happen. This area's going to be an absolute mess. I probably won't see Zim all of Thursday. Our boss is in Florida, and is supposed to fly back Thurday. The snow is supposed to start 1am Thursday morning. I think his flight's going to be cancelled. Yup, gonna be a mess. It sure is winter.

Workouts! Monday, was a basement upper body workout. The garage was a little too cold. Here goes:
5 minute warm-up

Shoulder press
In & out biceps
Behind the head medicine ball press (10lb)

Upright row
In & out hammers
Dips (20,10)

Shoulder fly
Static arm curl
Tricep kickback 

Shoulder shrug
Standing band row
Standing band tricep pull-down


1 round shadow boxing, 1 round heavy bag

Cool down 

Reps: 10, 8. Weights used were 15lbs. Push-ups were reps of 3, 2.

Tuesday: A gym day. Since I'm doubting I'll be getting to the gym until maybe the end of the week, I decided to go this late morning for a leg workout. Here goes:

1/4 mile warm-up jog

Hip abductor machine (110,125,140)
Hip adductor machine (100, 120, 130)
Weight calf raise machine (120,140,160)
Leg extension machine (70,80,95)
Leg flexion machine (70,80,95)
Body squats 
Elbow to knee

(The reps are of 10, 8, 5)

Finish with 20 minutes on the elliptical.

Cool down

Playlist: Blacklisted

Sunday, February 9, 2014

My Weeks of Running Are Numbered

Yup. Yes they are. I'm okay. Nothing broken or injured. I got my Sunday 35 minutes on the elliptical this afternoon and felt good. But the outside running is going to have to be put on hold pretty soon. Running at 5 months pregnant is getting a bit uncomfortable. I'm 21 weeks right now and due at the end of June with a baby boy. Exciting! So the next few months are going to be quite nutty, scary, and awesome for Zim and I. So yes, my running days are numbered for a little while!

With all this crap weather, I really haven't been able to get much running in to begin with. The last time I ran, I did 2 and a 1/4 miles. They averaged around 11 minutes, but around a mile and a 1/4 my back started to bug me a bit. I also know I can't run more than a mile in my neighborhood. It's just a little too hilly. Nothing major, but I'd MUCH rather have a nice jog on the flat trail that's near the house. Problem with that is it's covered in ice and snow. So it's a big no go for me. I'll stick to the elliptical.

I'm hoping to get a couple jogs in before I hit 6 months. That is of course if the weather clears up and I feel healthy enough. No more 2 plus miles anymore. During my pregnancy thus far, I have felt healthy and energetic enough to run. My doctors cleared me and I've been cutting back to where I feel comfortable.  Last week was the first time I felt a little uncomfortable, so I'm listening to my body and getting ready to trade my running shoes for walking shoes. 

As for the lifting, I haven't been in any discomfort at all. I know I'll have to cut my half ass push-ups out. They aren't all that pretty anyways. I'm planning on taking each week at a time and decide what to do from how I feel. I definately don't push it. 

So that's my news! It's kinda neat to look back to October and see how different my running mileage was and the weight on some of the other exercises. I'll get there again! And with some different motivation!

By the way, guess what it's doing outside? Yup snowing. Imagine that. Thank god I'm due in June!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Saturday Night Quickie

No snow, sleet, rain so far this weekend! Woooo! It's still pretty damn cold out though. After a couple hours at work, I made it to my gym around noontime. I got 35 minutes, 3 and 1/2+ miles in. Wasn't too busy there either. The gym did get their cable back on. I didn't get a chance to find an elliptical with a TV to watch the Chelsea v Newcastle match, but oh well. 

Enjoy the rest of the weekend! Bedtime for me!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Closing Out the Week

After another 2 rounds of snow and ice storms, my house is warm and with power. Wednesday's ice storm paralyzed this area with 1/2 a million people out of power and heat. Scary stuff. I went into work on Wednesday morning at 5am to only sit in the dark for 4 hours. We didn't get power there until Thursday afternoon. Folks are still out of power in some areas. All the ice on the trees brought down power lines in the suburbs of Philadelphia. The county I live is actually in a state of emergency. Come on spring!

Nevertheless, being at home inside so much I've been getting workouts in, just no outdoor running. Here it goes:


5 minute warm-up

Shoulder press
Dips (20, 10)

Shoulder fly
In & out bicep
Tricep kickback 

Shoulder shrug (30lb)
In & out hammers
Overhead triceps

Lawnmowers (18lb)
Standing band rows
Pull-down band triceps


Finish with 5 minutes shadow boxing

Cool down 

Reps:10, 8. Weights: 15lbs Push-ups: 3,2.

Tuesday: Legs!

Calf squats
Calf raises
Power knee
Step back lunges
Body squats
Side lunges 
Elbow to knee
Tip toe lunges


Finish w/ 1 round shadow boxing, 1 round heavy bag.

Cool down

Wednesday was a rest day. Onto Thursday!

Legs and arms combo w/ cardio at my gym. Nice to leave the house! Here goes:

1/4 mile warm-up jog

Lat pull-down machine (50lb, 50, 50)
Shoulder press machine (50, 45, 40)
Chest press machine (50, 40, 35)
Leg extension machine (70, 80, 95)
Leg flexion machine (70, 80, 95)
Weighted calf raise machine (120, 140, 160)
Barbell upright rows (15, 15)
Barbell curl/hammers (15, 15)
Hip abductor machine (120,135, 145)
Hip adductor machine (115, 125, 135)

Finish with 20 minutes on the elliptical.


Machine reps were 10, 8, and 5. Barbells, 10, 8.

Playlist: Morrissey: Best of

Enjoy the weekend!

Monday, February 3, 2014

More Snow Monday

Today we're supposed to get another 4-8 inches of snow. We have about 2 out there right now. *Sigh* Come on April!!! I have 2 doctor appointments this week, and it looks like they'll be skirting around the bad weather. Looks like I may be lucking out, fingers crossed. Despite the weather today, the weekend was actually nice. Sunny and temperatures in the 40s. I even got a small run in on Saturday. Last night it started drizzling around 9 and then turned into snow overnight. Speaking of yesterday, I did watch a good part of the Super Bowl. I was surprised at the Seahawks domination and thought the game would be much closer. I thought the commercials were more or less forgettable but halftime was decent. And that's my review. On with the workouts!

Thursday. A inside gym day. I did a total body workout and then used the elliptical for about 20 minutes. Here goes:

1/4 mile warm-up jog

Lat pull-down machine (50, 50, 50)
Overhead press machine (45, 40, 40)
Leg extension machine (70, 80, 95)
Leg flexion machine (70, 80, 95)
Seated chest press machine (40, 40, 35)
Weighted calf machine (120, 140, 160)
Upright rows (15lb x 3)
Curl/hammers (15lb x 3)

20 minutes on the elliptical.

Saturday. A nice 40+ degree day. I wanted to run on one of the trails I like, but they were still snow and slushed covered. I ended up just running around my neighborhood for over 2 and 1/4 miles. 

Playlist: Jawbreaker

Sunday. A light gym day. A nice 30 minutes on the elliptical at the gym.

Playlist: The Blacks Lips

Today will be a chilly garage workout, although if it's too cold I'll go down my basement. Stay safe out there!