Bang bang
500 plus runners all tearing towards a hill with a path about 8 feet wide. It was hard to find a rhythm or try to pass folks. Having a decent grade hill off the bat had some runners walking right away. I didn't find the hill so tough, it was more trying to get around slower runners and finding that hole to sprint through. The first obstacle was a trio of logs to jump over. I was being pushed off to the side, so I didn't even had a chance to jump them. I finally made it around some slower runners and found some open space. The next obstacle was a small mud bog which I lost a lil footing and splashed a bit through it. I trucked along after. The next 2 obstacles was a very small creek bed and a fallen tree. Pretty easy going so far other than how tight the trail was when passing other runners. Then the killer....a real killer...the intense grade hill. As I ran up to it, runners started walking thru the maybe 4 foot path. I attempted to keep running, but it was pointless. I more or less was running in place. I jogged up it a bit, but folks wouldn't keep right if they were walking. Folks were slowly walking up with heads in hands. It was frickin' TOUGH. I stopped and walked for the first time ever in a race. Not going to lie, I was real tired. At the top, I thought it would be a quick turn around back down the hill. Nope. I wish. I was a slow incline with no cover in the blazing sun for about an 1/8 of a mile. Halfway thru, I stopped again and walked. I felt spent. I sucked it up and started running again back down that steep ass hill.
My legs were jelly. I had to make sure I had control of my feet as I flew down the hill. Only about a mile to go and my Ipod falls outta my pocket. I stop, scoop it back up and start running again. My watch is already over 25 minutes. Hills, valleys, hills, valley. I stopped once again on a decent grade incline in which no one else around me was running. Gathered myself and jogged up to the finish line.
TOUGH ass run. Finished 34:10, 127th outta 500. Not bad. Zim finished 74th and Dell 147. Not too shabby. Dranks lotsa water then headed for the Victory trucks for some Witbier and pork tacos. Yum!
The Barbary must have the quickest shows in Philly. The 2 opening bands played about 20 minutes a piece and Ceremony only played for about a 1/2 hour. Good show. Heard all the Ceremony songs that I wanted to hear other than Kersed. Totally loved seeing Sick. Wished they would have played longer, but hell I only paid $10. Good times!
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