After working and running around a bit this morning, I squeezed in a nice trail run with Zim. He was never on this trail, but I knew he'd like it. It was much more drier than it was a few days ago. We ran close to 40 minutes for 4 and 1/2 miles. He runs much quicker than me on non-pavement so I got my pace up to an 8:45 mile. I was pretty happy about that. Afterwards I showered up and headed to the boxing gym to watch some sparring.
Today was one of the busiest I've seen it ever. We had fighters from Bethlehem, Coatesville, Allentown, and Philly. I didn't exactly ask everywhere they're from. Plus our own Phoenixville boys. Man, it was like amateur fight night there! Exciting! We had a Pro fighter spar too. Best fight of the night. Two of our 16 years olds sparred and looked good as always. They just were a bit tired from sparring the day before. Workhorses!!! Altogether we had 5 fights, lasting 3 rounds. Good times!
Tomorrow I might take the day off from working out. I think I might be getting seasonal migraines. It should NOT be 50 plus degrees in the middle of January in Philadelphia! It should be more like the lower 30s. Could be why my shoulder and neck were tight. I've been also getting slight headaches. I'd rather these slight pains then the flu. As long as they stay "slight". This flu stuff is getting scary though.
Playlist: Alkaline Trio: From Here To The Infirmary
H2O: Go!
Here's one of our boys Rich
Good stuff! My older two kids used to do boxing while in middle school. We tried the tae kwon do class for about 2 sessions. A bunch of yelling, and not much else. Boxing's where it's at!