Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Humpty Hump Day

After work, I took a nap, then started on an upper body workout with Zim. We did P90X shoulders and arms. My left shoulder still is slightly sore, but I worked through it with barely any uncomfort. That's a good thing!

Afterward, I watched the dreadful Chelsea v Swansea Capital One Cup match. Ugh, All I can say is *sigh*. Tonight, I'm going to see Zero Dark Thirty. At first I had no care to see it, but the more I read and heard about, I got really interested to see it. Plus I really liked Hurt Locker. We shall see!


  1. I actually bought a foam roller today. It's still in the wrap. Then my husband came home from getting physical therapy on his knee, and said we should get a foam roller. It's like a theme!
