Monday, January 28, 2013


The past few days I been working out indoors, riding the elliptical. I've increased my times as well. I'm able to do some ab work too. Today I had to go into work early because someone called out, so I didn't get my workout in till after dinner time. I actually had a normal gym session. I did 35 minutes on the elliptical, 20 minutes of legs machines and various squats. Those one leg wall squats SUCK!! Afterwards I did about 5 minutes of ab work. It was weird being at the gym at night. It wasn't that busy and recognized some faces I would see from when I'd go all the time at night a few years ago. Least I got a workout in.

I might, if I feel good, try a mile run on Wednesday. It's supposed to be almost 60 degrees! Crazy! We had snow this morning. I'll take the 60 degrees!

On another note, Zim bought a juicer the other day. He finally got to mess around with it tonight. Pretty cool. I got to sip at a wheatgrass and raspberry drink. Interesting. The wheatgrass honestly didn't smell all that appealing, but with the raspberries, wasn't too bad. He also made an apple and kiwi drink but I wasn't home yet to try one. He said it was real good. I'm sure he'll be messing around with it even more in the coming weeks.

Playlist: Operation Ivy: Energy
The Orphans: Raise the Youth


  1. Hey, good to see you getting back in action! Wheatgrass? Hmmm...

  2. Thanks. Wheatgrass is interesting. About all I can say.
