Monday, August 13, 2012

Hero Rush PA

Knowing that I had my first obstacle race, I took Friday off from working out to give my body a nice break. I set my alarm for 5am Saturday morning, and Zim, Dell, and I were on the road by 6am. HERO RUSH race was at Skrimish USA paintball in Albrightsville, PA. It took us about an hour and 45 minutes to get there. We were parked and registered a little after 8am. In our race packet we got a map of the course. It was 3 and 1/2 miles long with 19 obstactles.

We watched the 8:30am competitive wave run, which was pretty small. I'd guess less than 25 people. Our wave was at 9:30am, and was one of the largest. We were told we'd be broken into smaller waves, 10 minutes apart from the previous wave. TEAM K.A.S.A ended up being in the 9:40am wave. The siren blared and it was down the pole to start the race. We ran about a 1/4 mile till we hit the 2nd obstacle, "Forcible Fury" which were windows and a few set of doors held with different levels of bungee cords strengths that you had to get through. Then some more running. Next was "Crowd Control" which were a bunch of tires hanging in your path and on the floor of a tight hallway. Pretty easy. Then my ankle popped outta place for a minute, but I popped it back in. This is common for me. Then I took a nice spill, tripping over my feet or a root. Who knows, but I popped back up and kept running. After that fun, was a tire pull and then run to "Hoarder's Hell" where you had to climb a ladder into a smoke filled room and find the stairs. We had to wait about 8 minutes to even get on the ladder. Once in the room, smoke is EVERYWHERE. You can't see a damn thing. I ended finding the railing, then Zim came back and took my had to find the stairs. Pretty crazy. A quarter done!

Next up was "Entanglement" which were big pipes with bungee cords littered throughout to impede your way. Tougher than I thought. We did have to wait a few minutes for the pipes to clear before we could make our way through. Next CPR. 30 chest pumps on a dummy. "Mazed and Confused" was next on the list. Crawl hands and knees in a dark maze. Not too bad. Then it was off to run through the "Mud Pits". I love running through mud. I don't know why, I just do. Thought I might lose a sneaker only once. It was dirty, stinky, and messy. I enjoyed it. Then a nice deal of trail running to "Baywatch" where you were waist deep in a lake making your way to the other side of the trail. Halfway done!

Next up, "River Rescue" which was manuevering your way in a rocky ass creekbed and under a bridge. Not too bad, but REAL easy to lose your footing. Some more running, and then we stumbled upon the rope wall. It was about 12 to 15 feet. Pretty easy to get up. Getting down, FREAKED me the hell out. I thought there'd be an incline or a rope. Nope, just straight down on ladder like slats. No hay, just the hard ground and some mud. I did it though, thanks to Zim and another female runner. And then I jumped back into the run. A decent stretch of trail running too. Next up, "Hazmat Zone". Swim/walk through gelatin like liquid and swim underneath barrels. Next up, more stinky pipe crawls. After that, a rope climb and a rope descend. I tried 3 times to climb the rope and failed. Zim on the other hand killed the climb. He just didn't have anyone to lend him a hand on getting to the platform. I ended up climbing the ladder. The rope descend was 3 fire hoses. 2 up top for your arms, one for your feet to walk down. I chafted and bruised my arms pretty bad on this. I got most of the way down and jumped off about 3 feet up. My underarms were killing me. This was another obstacle that we both waited a good 5 minutes or so to do. Almost there!!

Next up was "Stretcher Evac", where Zim and I had to carry 2 tires on a stretcher over walls and through big pipes. Pretty easy. Next was "Basement Entrapped" where you had to crawl up about 10 feet through a pipe with water pouring down on you. I picked the toughest one by accident. I had to put my feet in stirrups to pull myself up. Once I knew what I should be doing, I flew through. At the top to the platform, you went down a slide into about 3 feet of water. Next was wading through water while kids blasted fire hoses at you. That was a lot of fun. Those kids loved it! Then a quick run over fire flames and there....the FINISH LINE! It took Zim and I an hour 21 minutes to complete it. Not too bad for my first obstactle race and we lost at least 10 plus minutes on waiting at obstacles. Dell ran it in an hour and a minute, which is awesome! They give you a medal for completing the race and a free t-shirt.

I ended up finishing 447 overall. I'm not sure how many people there were, but it was over a thousand. 122nd overall in women. And 68th in the age group of 25-34. Not bad. And thanks again for Zim staying with me. It really helped. We celebrated with a change of dry clothes, some beers and some grub. HERO RUSH was an awesome time! A challenging course, with a good amount of running and interesting obstacles. And your registration money goes to a GREAT cause. I'd definately want to do this race again next year!

I took Sunday off from working out. I'm a bit banged up and bruised. Monday I went to the gym to do the elliptical for a 1/2 hour, strength train for 25 minutes, and do some abs for 5 minutes. It was a struggle. I'm still recovering. I'll leave you with this pretty picture of my rope burn and bruises on my right arm.

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