Sunday I ended up taking the day off from working out. My foot needed a break and Zim and I had tickets to a 1:30 Phillies game. Beautiful day for a Phillies game. The game really didn't open up till the 5th inning. We got to see a sweep of the Nationals and Cliff Lee's first home win.
Monday, my toe is much better but still sore. I played it safe and did 35 minutes on the elliptical at the gym. Following my cardio, upper body strength. Same workout, different order. I started with free weights. Shoulder presses, hammer curls, upright rows, static arm curls. Then I moved to lat pull-downs and sit down chest presses. Next, assisted pull-ups and dips. I finished with sit down rows and tricep pull downs. I had the weights more or less the same as usual with exception of the lat pull downs. I stayed at 55lbs, 3 x of 10 reps. I finished the workout with 8 minutes up abs. Been adding a bunch of twist crunches in with the routine.
Today (Tuesday), I was REALLY aching to start running again. This has been the best my toe has felt since I banged it all up. It was a pretty nice morning once the rain cleared out. I decided to not push my luck and go to my gym. I again did 35 minutes, but I changed it up on the resistances. I'd run 2 minutes on resistance 10, the next minute on 9 resistance. Repeat that for 30 minutes. Add another 5 minutes for a cool down. Next, the usual, lower body strength training. I started with the standing calf raise. I had to be pretty careful on this machine, so I didn't overload pressure on my bad foot. Then I continued to the seated leg press, leg extension/flexion, and took a break working on abs on the standing leg raise. I ended with leg abduction/adduction and lying down glute press. I ended with 100 crunches, half with twist, half regular.
Tomorrow Zim and I will be at the Union v Crew match. Let's see if we get the much needed 3 points.
Playlist: Black Flag: Shuffle; Black Rebel Motorcycle Club: Devil's Tattoo
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