Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Zombie Mud Run

Last Saturday morning Zim and I met up with Jon in Sinking Spring, PA for the Zombie Mud Run. Our heat was non-competitive at 10:30. With your registration package you get a flag/health belt. It has 3 Velcro flags that can be yanked off by zombies. If you finish the race with at least 1 flag, you have survived. If you don't you have died. Either way runners get medals at the end. You also can sign up as zombie and see how many "human" flags you can collect. Pretty cool.

There were a bunch of walls to climb, mud to crawl through, and zombies to avoid. It was much harder than I thought. When you have to sprint and spin past zombies, it takes the wind out of you. Plus there's strategy to think about. Keep with a decent size group or press your luck with a partner. Zim and I did both, and it worked for the majority of the race.

I thoroughly enjoyed the mud, but some of the obstacles where a bit dangerous. Just having wet hands and feet and having to climb big wooden ladders with a 3 foot gap in it makes me nervous. Especially with no one around supervising. Alot people just ran right by not even attempting. I guess I'm showing my age.

The zombies were all pretty fun. You had slow ones, guys crawling on the ground and ones that chase you. You had to watch out for zombies hiding and jumping out at you to take one of your flags. The outfits and make-up were great! Next year, I would rather be a zombie than a runner.

With about 5-10 minutes before we finished the race I lost all my flags. :( it's kinda disheartening. I just ran as a decoy so Zim could finish the race as a survivor. The second to last zombie in the race got his flag. That just sucked. We finished the race after 38 minutes.

Altogether it was a fun time! And you got a free beer! Woo!


  1. Looks fun, nice job! I just finished a mud run last weekend too - Dirty Girl. Great fun, but not competetive at all. I agree about some of the obstacles being tricky while covered in mud! My goal was to not break anything and I met that. Was kinda bummed that my friend didn't want the free beer.

    1. Thanks! I heard the Dirty Girl run was a bunch of fun. I'm with you about breaking something. I'm so scared I'm going to break a leg or an arm during these type of races. I wish I would have done obstacles races in my 20s when I didn't think much about getting hurt!
