Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Here Comes the Rain

Yesterday, it was almost 80. Today, as of 7pm Tuesday, the temperature is right around 45 degrees. We might even get some light snow mixed with rain. Crazy! Glad I got my little jog in yesterday coz it's been POURING all day. It looks like a river is running through my backyard. At least it's washing away all the pollen. That's a plus!

I've been getting everything slowly but surely done. Baby's room is painted, furniture is put together and in place, kitty went to the vet, car inspected, etc. Which makes me very happy. I still need to meet with the pediatrician in a couple weeks and get work done on my back deck. Not too bad though. 

I had to get a urine sample from my kitty today which was entirely too easy. I did not expect it to go well at all. He has stones and a little crystallization in his kidneys and the vet wanted to double check for blood in his urine. This morning during his morning pee I was in his room and he oddly let me get right in there in mid stream and he did not seem to care one bit. And YES I wore gloves, I'm not that nasty. That easy. It does help that I have a cat that meows for me to watch him go to the bathroom. That's my brave bengal cat! Anyways, he had tiny traces of blood, but nothing out the ordinary for a cat with some kidney issues. It was a big sigh of relief. That little guy is my best buddy!

Now for the last two days of my exercise routine. More of the same. Still feeling good and not struggling. Awesome.


Warm-up 5 minutes

Shoulder flys
Dips (20,10)
Knees push-ups

Upright rows
In & out biceps
Tricep kickbacks

Shoulder press
Static arm curl
Medicine ball tricep press (9lbs)

In & out hammers
Standing Tricep band press


Finish with 1 mile jog

Cool down 

Reps: 10, 8. Weight: 15lbs. Push-ups: 2, 2 (on knees)

Playlist: Lawrence Arms


Warm-up 5 minutes

Elbow to knee
Step back lunges
Side kicks
Calf squats
Side lunges
Tip toe lunges
Power knee
Body squats
Front kicks
Calf raises (40lb)
Back kicks


Finish with 1 round shadow boxing, 1 round heavybag, 1 minute run in place

Cool down

Reps: 10, 8. Plank: 30 secs, 20.

Playlist: Choking Victim

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