Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Dreary Ass Tuesday

Bad weather is heading the way of the east coast. We're supposed to get HAMMERED with rain and storms tomorrow. The system coming has spurned tornados, hail, and some bad lightning in the mid west. Hope the basement doesn't leak! Or we lose power. It's been showering off and on all day today so it was a basement workout for me. Here goes:

5 minute warm-up

Calf squats
Elbow to knee
Step back lunges
Calf raises (40lb)
Power knee
Tip toe lunges
Side lunges
Body squats
Front kicks
1 leg speed skater toe taps
Back kicks
Finish with 1 round shadow boxing, 1 round heavy bag, 1 minute run in place.
Reps:10, 8 Plank: 30 secs, 20 secs
Playlist: Lawrence Arms

Monday, April 28, 2014

Last Week of April

Beautiful sunny Monday morning today! This month flew on by. It will be summer before we know it! I'm 8 months pregnant this week. Crazy. Apparently my little boy bouncing around with me is almost 5 pounds already according to the ultrasound last Thursday. So, he's pretty damn big compared to the 3 and a 1/2 pounders to the majority of women at 8 months. Maybe a C-section is in my future. At least I feel pretty good. Anyways, here's my workouts:

Saturday: REAL nice out in the morning. I celebrated my 36th birthday with still being able to jog. I ran on the trail by my house for 29 minutes, jogging 2 and a 1/2 miles. No complains. Felt good and no side stitches. I have been regularly working my maternity belt every time I jog. It was a long day though. After my shower it was straight to work, followed by driving 35-40 minutes to Wilmington, DE for the wake of our friend Eric. After the wake we more or less drove directly to Iron Hill restaurant in Phoenixville, PA for dinner with Zim's mom. Never the less, I went to bed pretty early that night.

Sunday: Lounge around day. I needed it from Saturday. I did see that Chelsea beat Liverpool, which always makes me happy. 

Monday: Upper body strength training day and a jog. Here it is:

5 minute warm-up

In & out bicep
Medicine ball triceps press
Knees push-ups

Shoulder fly
Dips (20,10)

Upright row
Static arm curl
Tricep kickback

Shoulder press
In & out hammers
Band triceps incline press


1 mile jog (12+ mins) and cool down

Reps: 10, 8. Weight: 15lbs Push-ups: on knees 2, 2
Playlist: Civil Disobedience

Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Quick Week

This week has flown by. Here's a quick workout rundown thus far:


5 minute warm-up

Power knee
Calf squats
Side kicks
Tip toe lunges
Elbow to knee
Step back lunges
Side lunges
Body squats
Front kicks 
Calf raises (40lbs)
Back kicks


Finish with 1 round shadow boxing, 1 round heavy bag, 1 minute run in place

Reps: 10,8 Planks: 30 sec, 20 sec
Playlist: H2O


1/4 mile warm-up jog and stretch

Lat pulldown (50,50)
Shoulder incline press (40,40)
Leg extension (80,90)

Tricep pulldown (30,30)
Seated Chest press (40,40)
Weighted calf raise (140,160)
Seated row (50,50)

Knees Push-ups 
Body squat 

10 minutes on the elliptical.

Reps: 10,8 
Playlist: Night Birds

Monday, April 21, 2014

Beautiful Morning For a Run

Beautiful out! Sunny, no wind, 60 degrees. Just awesome out. Of course I'm going to take advantage! Here this morning's workout. Expect more of the same, I just want to maintain.

5 minute warm-up

Shoulder fly
Dips (20,10)
Knees push-ups

Static arm curl
Medicine ball tricep press

Upright row
In & out curls
Tricep kickback 

Shoulder press
In & out hammers
Tricep band row


Finish with a mile jog. 

Playlist: H2O

Reps: 10,8 Weights: 15lbs Push-ups: 2, 2 on knees

I did get a slight side cramp in my right side with less than a tenth of a mile left in my mile run. I just slowed down and ended up walking it off. I did the mile in 11:37. Off to the showers and work.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

Hope everyone had a great Easter! Mine was good. I went to church in the morning, then I went to my parents' house for dinner. Good food and good times! Unfortunately after dinner I found out a friend of Zim and mine died late Saturday night. We knew him for he past 5 years and sat with him during the Union soccer matches. He was only in his early 40s and has a teenage son. He was a real class guy, excellent father, and great friend. I'm truly shocked about this news. I'm not sure what he exactly died of, but I'm sure the details will come out soon. So awful to hear. I'm truly glad I got to know him. Rest in peace Eric Shertz.

On a brighter note, I'm feeling great and got my regular workouts in. Here they are.


5 minute warm-up

Side kicks
Calf squats
Elbow to knee
Step back lunges
Power knee
Tip toe lunges
Side lunges
Body squat
Front kicks
Weighted calf raises (40)
Back kicks


1 round shadow boxing, 1 round heavybag, 1 minute run in place

Reps: 10, 8 Plank: 30 secs, 20 secs.


1/4 mile warm-up jog and stretch

Lat pull-down (50lbs,50)
Seated chest press (40,40)
Leg extension (80,90)
Standing tricep pull-up (30,30)
Seated row (40,50)
Calf raise (140,160)
Seated shoulder press (40,40)
Push-ups (knees 10,8)
Body squats (10,8)
Lunges (10,8)

10 minutes on the elliptical

Reps: 10,8
Playlist: OFF! 

Saturday: outside run! BEAUTIFUL day out! I jogged a little over 2 and 1/2 miles in 27 minutes, 30 seconds. I felt GREAT, and averaged a little under a 11 minute mile. I believe it was around 10:50. The maternity belt has been a life saver as well. No side stitches since I've started wearing it. I was surprised at my time. I thought I was running closer to a 12 minute mile. I'll take it!

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Here Comes the Rain

Yesterday, it was almost 80. Today, as of 7pm Tuesday, the temperature is right around 45 degrees. We might even get some light snow mixed with rain. Crazy! Glad I got my little jog in yesterday coz it's been POURING all day. It looks like a river is running through my backyard. At least it's washing away all the pollen. That's a plus!

I've been getting everything slowly but surely done. Baby's room is painted, furniture is put together and in place, kitty went to the vet, car inspected, etc. Which makes me very happy. I still need to meet with the pediatrician in a couple weeks and get work done on my back deck. Not too bad though. 

I had to get a urine sample from my kitty today which was entirely too easy. I did not expect it to go well at all. He has stones and a little crystallization in his kidneys and the vet wanted to double check for blood in his urine. This morning during his morning pee I was in his room and he oddly let me get right in there in mid stream and he did not seem to care one bit. And YES I wore gloves, I'm not that nasty. That easy. It does help that I have a cat that meows for me to watch him go to the bathroom. That's my brave bengal cat! Anyways, he had tiny traces of blood, but nothing out the ordinary for a cat with some kidney issues. It was a big sigh of relief. That little guy is my best buddy!

Now for the last two days of my exercise routine. More of the same. Still feeling good and not struggling. Awesome.


Warm-up 5 minutes

Shoulder flys
Dips (20,10)
Knees push-ups

Upright rows
In & out biceps
Tricep kickbacks

Shoulder press
Static arm curl
Medicine ball tricep press (9lbs)

In & out hammers
Standing Tricep band press


Finish with 1 mile jog

Cool down 

Reps: 10, 8. Weight: 15lbs. Push-ups: 2, 2 (on knees)

Playlist: Lawrence Arms


Warm-up 5 minutes

Elbow to knee
Step back lunges
Side kicks
Calf squats
Side lunges
Tip toe lunges
Power knee
Body squats
Front kicks
Calf raises (40lb)
Back kicks


Finish with 1 round shadow boxing, 1 round heavybag, 1 minute run in place

Cool down

Reps: 10, 8. Plank: 30 secs, 20.

Playlist: Choking Victim

Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday Monday

It's a beautiful Monday morning out! And it was a beautiful weekend as well. Sunny and in the mid 60s. Saturday I got in a 2 and a 1/2 mile jog for about a 1/2 hour. It was a real nice morning jog. No side stitches, not a bunch of people on the trail, and not a ton of wind. The maternity belt is still helping a TON. Sunday I took it easy and went for a walk in the morning for a 1/2 hour with Zim. Still feeling pretty good at 30 weeks now. Off to get my Monday morning chores done.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thirsty Thursday

I wish! Water for me please. The weather is beautiful around here for the past few days. Sunny and in the 60s. Love it! Here's a quick round up of this week's workouts.

Sunday: A nice 1/2 hour walk around Phoenixville with my buddy Lou with a decaf coffee and a scone afterwards.

Monday: The usual upper body work.

5 minute warm-up

Upright row
In & out curls
Medicine ball tricep press
Knees push-ups

Shoulder fly
Dips (20,10)

Shoulder press
In & out hammers
Tricep kickback

Static arm curl
Standing band tricep row


Finish with a mile run

Cool down

Reps: 10, 8. Weights: 15lbs Push-ups on knees: 2, 2.

Tuesday: The usual leg routine.

5 minute warm-up

Power knee 
Calf squats
Side kicks
Calf raises (40lb total)
Tip toe lunges
Side lunges
Body squats
Elbow to knee
Step back lunges
Front kicks
Back kicks



1 round shadow boxing, 1 round heavy bag, 1 minute run in place.

Cool down

Reps: 10, 8 Plank: 30 sec, 20 sec

Playlist: Spazm 151, Sparta

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Upper and lower body at the gym

1/4 mile jog warm-up

Lat pull-down (50,50)
Seated shoulder press (40,40)
Calf raises (120,140,160)

Standing tricep pull-down (30,30)
Seated chest press (40,40)
Leg extension machine (80,90)

Upright row (15,15)
Curl/hammer (15,15)
Body squats

10 minutes on the elliptical

Reps: 10,8 

Playlist: Coke Bust, Dirty Kid Discount

I'm feeling pretty good overall. It's hard to tie my shoes, but body squats don't give me much trouble. Never thought I'd be maintaining this routine at week 29 of my pregnancy. I'm super happy about this. Anything past 30 weeks is honestly a treat for me. Let's hope I can keep it up while feeling good and still full of energy!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Jogging For the Weekend

Just got back from my jog. One thing I have to say is that my new Gabrialla maternity belt worked AWESOME! No side stitch, my back felt supported, and I felt altogether just more snug in my belly. I'm very happy with my purchase. Maybe it's a placebo effect, but I felt the extra support on my body. I aimed for 2-2 and 1/4 miles today, and ended up a little shy of 2 and 1/2. I also was planning on walking if I started feeling any sorta ache or pain and didn't have to do that either. My exact numbers were 2.47 miles in 28:30. I averaged around an 11:33 mile too. I'm very happy with that. 

Thursday was the last time I got a workout in. It was a bit rainy so I went to the gym. Here goes:

1/4 mile warm-up jog

Lat pull-down (50,50)
Seated overhead press (40,40)
Leg extension (80,90)

Standing tricep pull-down (30,30)
Seated chest press (30,30)
Calf raises (120,140,160)

Upright row (15,15)
Curl/hammer (15,15)
Body squats

Finish with a mile or so on the elliptical

Cool down

Playlist: Cloud Nothings

Back to my weekend!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Another Week

I meant to blog last weekend, but just ran outta time. The weekend was a little wet but we had temperatures in the upper 50s. Pretty nice in the late morning, then it downpoured for the rest of the day, into Sunday. I did get a jog in Saturday morning. I felt good until about a mile and 3/4s in. Side stitch on my right side. I stopped and walked for a couple minutes, then tried to jog again, but the side stitch came back, so I walked the rest of the way back to my Jeep. It's never excruciating, but slightly painful and uncomfortable. After a couple of minutes it subsides. Ugh, it was my welcome to hitting 7 months. I did tell my doctor about it, and as I figured, pretty common. With 25 extra pounds on me and a lower lying baby boy, no wonder my side can get a little sore. I was told to slow down and walk when this happens, so I was doing the right thing. I was also told to make sure I'm hydrated enough as well. I got about 2 and a 1/4 miles in altogether. I think my jogging days are pretty numbered and the elliptical will become main source of cardio.

Sunday, it was pouring all day, so it was off to the gym to ride the elliptical. I did about 35 minutes and about 2 and 1/2 miles. I ran I to an old friend and trainer that worked at a gym I used to go to about 5 years ago, so we got to catch up a bit as we peddled away on the ellipticals. And no side stitches! I did feel a little sore during the rest of the day. My back was slightly sore, my sides a little bit as well. I started to feel, well 7 months pregnant and 35 years old.

Monday, I was feeling back to normal again. I got my normal upper body workout in. Here goes:

5 minute warm-up

Shoulder press
In & out bicep curl
Medicine ball tricep press (9lbs)
Push-ups (on knees)

Seated back flys
Dips (20,10)

In & out hammers
Tricep kickback

Upright rows
Static arm curls
Standing tricep band press


1 mile jog

Cool down

Weights: 15lbs. Reps: 10,8 Push-ups: 2, 2.

Playlist: American Distress

My jog went well. I started off walking for a few minutes, then started my jog. I jogged quite slow and I felt pretty good. No side stitch. I was at a 12:35 mile. I showered up and met up with Zim and our boss Jon, to pick up the baby furniture. 

Tuesday, was a leg day. I worked out a little earlier cause I had a doctor's appointment at 1pm. Here goes:

5 minute warm-up

Body squats
Power knee
Calf raises
Tip toe lunges
Elbow to knee
Side kicks
Calf squats
Side lunges
Step back lunges
Front kicks
Back kicks



Finish with 1 round shadow boxing, 1 round heavy bag, 1 minute running in place.

Reps: 10, 8 Planks: 30 secs, 20 secs

Playlist: Morning Glory

Doc's went great. I asked about my side stitch concerns and my ever so fun acid reflux issues. They did find I'm slightly anemic. I don't eat red meat, so it makes total sense. I was directed to take iron pills, which I started yesterday. I only gained 3 pounds since last appointment, so that was good. I'm at 25 altogether now, which is good, but a little on the heavier side. She did said my belly grew and I could bet on a big baby. And that there may be a chance that I might go a little sooner than they expected. So little Andre the Giant is doing well! 

Off to get dressed and take my kitty to the vet in about an hour. He has his annual vet appointment. Hope the little guy has a clean bill of health!