Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Early Week Butt Whoopin'

Sunday I did take the day off to rest up and give my body a chance to heal up. It was nice.

Monday it was back to getting my butt back in gear. I worked out with Zim to do a P90X strength workout that I've never tried before, Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps. Absolutely KICKED my ass. Slow motion push-ups, Pike presses, Floor Flys, Two Speed push-ups, etc. Moves I never really done before. Halfway through, my body wanted to quit, but I pushed on through. TOUGH. To end I ran four and a 1/4 miles. SPENT!!!

Tuesday I woke up a bit sore. Not can't get outta bed sore, but that good sore. I decided to make it a gym day since it was off and on raining all morning/afternoon. I did 35 minutes on the elliptical and worked on legs in the machines. I ended with abs. Nice workout.

Today was a pretty nice day out, with a bit of a nip in the air, right around 50 degrees. After work I started with a 4 mile plus run at a 8 minute pace. Then I did upper body strength training again with Zim. We did P90X back and biceps. Lotsa pull-ups, curls, etc. I hung pretty well but started fading at the end. That run took it outta me. I pushed on and finished. DONE!

No idea what to do tomorrow. I'm getting blood work in the late morning, so I might just run or box. Oh decisions, decisions!! Zim and I did register for the Phoenixville Burn Off the Bird 5K for next Saturday. LOVE doing Turkey Trots with friends and family! So much fun! My first 5K was 4 years ago at the very first Burn Off the Bird. After I finished I was hooked!! Look for your local run and give it a whirl!

Playlist: Animal Collective: Strawberry Jam, The Clash: London Calling, Social Distortion: s/t.


  1. I love a good turkey trot too! Thanksgiving came fast this year, made me realize it's been a year since I entered a race other than the mud run. I need to change that, and I'm signed up for our turkey trot - good times!

  2. Thanksgiving really did sneak up this year. Good luck on your turkey trot! Should be a blast!
