Sunday, March 9, 2014

Weekend Almost Over

Tonight I'm going sleep pretty well after losing an hour and only taking a half hour nap. Be nice to have that extra daylight though! The weekend was quite nice here. Yesterday it was around 55, and today it was around 40 degrees. Not too shabby. I did manage to get outside for a run today, which felt great! Here's the last 3 workouts:

Thursday: gym day before the doctor's appointment.

1/4 mile jog warm-up

Lat pull-down (50,50)
Seated chest press (30,30)

Calf raise (120,140,160)

Seated overhead press (30,30)
Tricep pull-down (30,30)

Leg Flexion machine (80,90)

Bench lawnmowers (15,15)
Curl/hammers (15,15)

Body squats (10,8)
Elbow to knee (10,8)

1 mile on the elliptical 


Saturday: 35 minutes on the elliptical

Sunday: Outside run on the trail (paved)! The trail was still ice covered in spots, but I turned around before it got too dicey. Not worth it. I started off with a 2 minute walk, then went into a jog. I did 2.3 miles in a little over 25 minutes, and cooled down with a 2 minute walk to my car. Really felt good. My runkeeper app on my phone have me at a 10:54 mile. Pretty happy about that! It's my first mile plus run in months. 

Still feeling pretty well with good energy levels. The doctor's appointment went well. Apparently I put on 7 pounds last month, so the doc told me to slow the eating down. "Who you callin' fat, lady?" I thought in my head. I've gained already 22 pounds. I was a little surprised coz I really haven't been eating awful or totally chowing down. And I'm still working out 5 days a week. I guess I'll have to pick up more apples instead of that Easter candy. I know they're just looking out for my health.

I did get to go to a concert on Thursday in Philly to see the band Lawrence Arms. They're a punk band that's been around since the late '90s from Chicago. I drug Zim out with me on a weeknight which is pretty rare. We had a bunch of fun, and I'm happy I got to see them live. They put on a good show. This will probably be one of my last shows for a little while. There's a possibility I might see a friend of Zim's play a local venue on Tuesday. We'll see.



  1. A punk band concert sounds fun. NO mosh pits for you, though!
    Impressive time and distance with the running. I don't think my ligaments could take it after the first trimesters.
    I think I heard that boy babies put more weight on the moms than girls, usually. Or is it the other way around?? I think I put on 30 with each of mine even though the babies got progressively bigger. 22 lbs. doesn't seem very lardy!

  2. Definately no mosh pits for me!
    I'm very happy with my time as well. I'm not a fast runner to begin with, but I always had endurance so maybe that helps.
    I think my weight is fine, but at least I know not to go totally overboard in the couple months. I was hoping to put on 30-35 pounds, so hopefully I'll be able to stick with to that!
