Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday Night Rundown

This week flew by! Not a bad thing. I got two workouts in and made it to the movie "Her" which I enjoyed. Interesting movie and beautifully shot. Gave you a bit to think about after the movie was done.  The Oscars are going to be interesting this year. I've seen most of the movies with the exception of "Gravity", "Wolf of Wall Street", and "Captain Phillips". I was quite surprised that the Coen's "Inside Llywen Davis" got snubbed. It was probably my favorite movie this year. It's not for everyone, not the quickest paced either, but there was something so intriguing about it. I couldn't stop trying to figure out the underlying meaning of it. I've read a couple theories on the film, and one is really interesting and cool if it was shot that way. Lots of really good films in general this year though. It's so hard to pick the best.

Workouts! Here's my Tuesday and Thursday breakdowns:

Tuesday: Legs inside at the gym

1/4 mile warm-up jog/ stretch

Leg extension (70, 80, 95)
Leg flexion (70, 80, 95)
Calf raise (120, 140, 160)
Hip Abductor (120, 130, 140)
Hip adductor (115, 125, 135)
Body squats 
Elbow to knee

1/2 mile on the elliptical 

Reps: 10, 8, 5.

Thursday: Total body at the gym

1/4 mile warm-up jog/ stretch

Lat pull-down (50)
Seated chest press (40)

Calf raise (120,140,160) 

Seated chest press (30)
Tricep pull-down (30)

Leg flexion (70, 80)

Lawnmowers (dumbells - 15lb)
Curl/hammers (dumbell- 15lb)

Body squats (10 reps, 8)
Elbow to knee (10, 8)

1/2 mile on the elliptical 


Still feeling good and have decent energy. I'm getting more women saying hello and smiling at me at the gym since I'm showing pretty well. Can't believe Sunday will make 6 months! 


  1. I've seen the trailers for "Her". Interesting concept.
    Good you're getting in your workouts still, with good variety. Should make the whole labor and delivery a breeze! But no guarantees :)
