After another 2 rounds of snow and ice storms, my house is warm and with power. Wednesday's ice storm paralyzed this area with 1/2 a million people out of power and heat. Scary stuff. I went into work on Wednesday morning at 5am to only sit in the dark for 4 hours. We didn't get power there until Thursday afternoon. Folks are still out of power in some areas. All the ice on the trees brought down power lines in the suburbs of Philadelphia. The county I live is actually in a state of emergency. Come on spring!
Nevertheless, being at home inside so much I've been getting workouts in, just no outdoor running. Here it goes:
5 minute warm-up
Shoulder press
Dips (20, 10)
Shoulder fly
In & out bicep
Tricep kickback
Shoulder shrug (30lb)
In & out hammers
Overhead triceps
Lawnmowers (18lb)
Standing band rows
Pull-down band triceps
Finish with 5 minutes shadow boxing
Cool down
Reps:10, 8. Weights: 15lbs Push-ups: 3,2.
Tuesday: Legs!
Calf squats
Calf raises
Power knee
Step back lunges
Body squats
Side lunges
Elbow to knee
Tip toe lunges
Finish w/ 1 round shadow boxing, 1 round heavy bag.
Cool down
Wednesday was a rest day. Onto Thursday!
Legs and arms combo w/ cardio at my gym. Nice to leave the house! Here goes:
1/4 mile warm-up jog
Lat pull-down machine (50lb, 50, 50)
Shoulder press machine (50, 45, 40)
Chest press machine (50, 40, 35)
Leg extension machine (70, 80, 95)
Leg flexion machine (70, 80, 95)
Weighted calf raise machine (120, 140, 160)
Barbell upright rows (15, 15)
Barbell curl/hammers (15, 15)
Hip abductor machine (120,135, 145)
Hip adductor machine (115, 125, 135)
Finish with 20 minutes on the elliptical.
Machine reps were 10, 8, and 5. Barbells, 10, 8.
Playlist: Morrissey: Best of
Enjoy the weekend!