Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Ice Ice Baby

Come on spring!!!! This whole week thus far has been crappy weather wise. I got to shovel slush and chop at ice in my driveway this morning while Victor was napping. Fun, fun. And another 4-8 inches of snow coming this way tonight into tomorrow. Then it looks like temperatures for Saturday on will be in the 40s and DRY. Sweet!!

Since I have to get the mileage in, I luckily ran about 6 1/4 miles in 55 minutes yesterday. It just started to flurry and sleet in my last 5 minutes. Happy I got it in. Today, after my hour of shoveling and chopping a got a short but quick workout in when Zim came home. Here is goes:

5 minute warm-up
As many rounds as you can in 20 minutes:

3 asst pull-ups
10 squats
10 push-ups
20 sit-ups
15 jumping lunges
5 burpees

I did 7 rounds in 20:16. Kicked my butt! I finished with 2:30 on plank and side planks and stretched out. 

I'm expecting my workout tomorrow will be shoveling again and keeping my eye on Victor as he slowly starts to crawl. My kitty is going to be in trouble soon!! 


  1. I managed a small window of opportunity to get in a run outside this week. It was great, but my legs let me know they weren't used to it. Now it's snowing again, crap!
    Life's going to get more interesting as your little guy starts crawling, get ready!

  2. We had to deal with about a foot of snow yesterday with a layer of slush and ice underneath. It was awful. Hopefully the last of the season.

    Victor is scooting along and not exactly crawling yet. I can only imagine the trouble he'll be in crawling. I swear babies are only interested in things that a)they can hit their heads b)more things that they can bang their heads on!
