Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Burn Off the Bird 5K and More

My ankle held up fine and gave my no problems on Saturday for the 5K. It was pretty cold out that morning and luckily no wind. I ran it in 25:39, which is a little slow. But then realized by my runkeeper ap that the race was actually 3.25 miles instead of 3.1. So I was a little happier with my time. My splits were 7:54, 7:27, 8:37. I can believe how fast I ran that second mile. Nuts. The last mile killed me. Almost all up hill. Had fun though. First time I didn't medal in the race. I was probably 30 seconds off of placing. There's always next year!!

Sunday I gave my legs a rest and met a friend for coffee in the morning. Later, Zim and I took Victor to the park for a walk. Then I more or less just watched football and drank some beer.

Monday was over 60 degrees out. On December 1st. Wow. I took advantage, put on some shorts and ran on the trail. I ran 4 and a 1/4. Felt good. I was averaging right around 8 minutes on each mile.

Today. The temperate went from 60 degrees to about 32. I even saw a little snow in the late morning. I did some upper body work. Here goes:

5 minute warm-up jog and stretch

Bench press: 1)6 reps at 55lb 2)5/65 3)5/70 4)3/75 5)2/80
Bench lawnmowers: 1)10/21 2)10/25 3)10/30 4)10/35
Chest press: 1)10/18 2)10/21 3)10/21 4)10/21
Dips: 4 sets of 20
2 minute plank 
5 minutes of ab work
1 mile jog
Cool down 

1 comment:

  1. Nice going for the Burn Off the Bird! It does look like it was pretty chilly out. It's hard to know what to wear this time of year.
