Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Glute Smashes

Last week I took it easy, and took the week off from running. I still did an upper, lower body workout and a combo workout. My sciatic has still been bugging me a bit. I also did some online research and may actually have something called Piriformis Syndrome which can affect your sciatic nerve. I read some stretches to help and started smashing my butt with a massage ball about 3 times a day. It's been working pretty well. And it's been feeling better. 

I started going back to my gym this week and using the elliptical. It's a godsend, and I don't feel any bit of pain doing it. I went Saturday and Monday doing a 35 minute workout on it. I'll probably go again New Year's Day. I'm going to take next week off from running as well. Not the best time of year to go back to the gym. All the new year's resolutions folks pour into the gym. Oh well.

Oh yes! The holidays! Everything went well. We did the 7 fishes on Christmas Eve and went to my parents on Christmas. Victor was great. Wasn't too fussy and managed to keep himself happy. He turned 6 months on 12/20. Time is flying by!!

Happy holidays!!

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