I started the week off with a bunch of fun in Philly at the Violent Society/The Virus show. I finally got to see my friend's band Combat Crisis too. I had a BLAST! I felt like I was a 17 year old kid again hanging out at Denny's. I got to see some old friends and made some new ones. The bands were great, the venue was nice, and the crowd was awesome! Super happy I went!
After I slept off the beer from the night before, I changed up my upper body workout and worked out with Zim. Here's the routine:
1)Bench Press- 3- 5 reps working to max effort
a)5-45lb b)5-55 c)5-60 d)5-75
2)Dumbbell Bench Press- 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps
a)10-18lb b)10-21lb c)10-25lb
3)Horizontal Row- 4 sets of 10-15 reps with barbell
a)10-45lb b)10-55lb c)10-55 d)10-60
*Man my arms are tired
4)Seated Dumbbell Power Cleans- 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps
a)12-9lb b)12-12lb
5)Dumbbell Side Bends- Weighted abs 3-4 sets of 8-15 reps
a)15-35lb b)15-40lb c)15-45lb
Tuesday, my arms and chest felt a bit sore. I decided on cardio, so Zim and I did a trail run at Mt. Joy which is about 3 1/2 miles. I had a nice run, not super fast, but I never stopped running. Those inclines will KICK your ass too. I did realize that I do need new trail shoes. I've put some decent miles of my Brooks ASRs. I decided on using an old Zappos Christmas gift card on a new pair. Just got them today! Can't wait to break them in.
Today, the orders at work got completely screwed up, so I had the morning off. I ended up going early to my gym and worked on legs. Been at least a month that I've worked on legs at the gym. I felt good, and felt stronger. Pressed 230lb on the seated leg press. That's a new record! Tonight I took my dad to the Phillies game. Luckily the rain held off and it was quite nice out. Too bad the Phillies have just been terrible lately. It was my dad's first game all season, so that was nice!
Alright I'm going to watch the rest of the Chelsea v Real Madrid match and go to bed.
Playlist: Leftover Crack: Fuck World Trade, Vindictives: Many Moods of...