Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Cold Snap

Damn it's cold!!! Glad I don't live in upstate New York. Some parts got around 5 feet of snow. Way to early for it. It's supposed to be cold all week until Sunday when it's forecasted to be around 60. Anyways here's my last few workouts:

Saturday: Empty stomach cardio. I did a 7:30am run in the cold at Valley Forge. I did the 5 mile loop in exactly 43 minutes. 

Monday: Upper body work
5 minute warm-up
Chest press: a)8 reps at 45lb b)6/55 c)6/60 d)6/65 e)3/75
Lawnmowers: a)10/21 b)10/30 c)8/30
Dips: a)20 b)20 c)20 d)20
Shrug&Clean and jerk: a)12/12 b)12/12 c)12/12
Curls: a)10/18 b)10/18 c)10/18
Ab work

Tuesday: 20 min workout of the day
5 minute warm-up
10 push-ups
10 squats
10 pull-ups
10 lunges
10 dips
10 crunches 
10 burpees

REPEAT for 5 rounds

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