The last two weeks I've been running about 50 minutes for 6 miles and feeling good about it. So finally race day rolls around and my son is up half the night struggling with a cold. I fell asleep on the couch with him from 4:30-6:30. I get up and get dressed working on about 5 hours of sleep. Honestly it wasn't that bad. Zim got up with him during the night as well. I scarfed down some brown sugar pop tarts and headed out to the race. Temperatures were in the lower 40s/upper 30s. Chilly!
We lined up, the whistle blew, and off we went. The course was pretty hilly. Not many steep hills, but gradual decent inclines. Killer. And about 3 steep hills. The first 2 and a half miles were pretty flat, the rest pretty hilly. I powered through, and finished 6.2 miles in 50:48 minutes, 33rd overall. I won 1st in my age group. Pretty sweet! I celebrated with a beer and a nap. I sure know how to party!!
I have 2 more 5Ks between now and Thanksgiving. I think I'm going to run more races that are 5+ miles from now on. 5Ks are great, but not very challenging. Something to plan for next year.