Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Pope is Coming!!! aka Pope-ocalypse

First off, I hit a new PR yesterday on the Schuykill River Trail. Six miles in 47:40 and I was averaging a 7:57 mile. I'm very happy with that! And yes, I was without the stroller. My mom walked Victor with I was running. 

Philadelphia is starting to FREAK out. Not that the Pope is on his way, but out of sheer fear that the whole city is shutting down. After Friday night, once you're in the city, you are stuck in Philly until Monday night. Same with the suburbs. If you need to get into Philly, you can't. Barring medical emergencies. This is slightly concerning to me since Victor's doctor and hospital is not going to be accessible. But, I'm not stressing about it. He's been good all week.

Anyways, we've pretty much have been told to prepare like a snowstorm is coming. Get your eggs, bread, and milk before they're gone. My township and surrounding townships have declared a state of emergency this weekend. And I live about 20 miles away from Center City Philadelphia. Crazy! Even my trails and bikepaths are under a state of emergency. They're one of the only ways into Philly. A TON of bikers are coming into the city to see the Pope that way. All the major roads are closing down Friday night with the excepting of I-95. I-95 runs from I'm guessing around Maine to Florida. I imagine you can't close that road down. Public transpiration is shut down getting into Philly, unless you have a special Papal pass to ride the train. It's going to be so nutty this weekend! Let's see how the Papal visit  goes! There's also a rumor he might be traveling to an all boys, troubled youth school/parish that is about 2 and 1/2 miles from my house. It will be totally chaotic here if that happens. It would be really cool though! 

Hopefully we'll all survived the Pope-ocalypse!

1 comment:

  1. You're getting faster. All that stroller pushing must be paying off!
    Hope you survive Pope-apalooza! Say hi for me :)
