Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Kettle Bells

It's been a little while. I've been busy, but who isn't. Anyways, I decided to change up my strength training routine by using kettle bells. It's been interesting. I definately recommend using the wrist guards. They are worth it and with save your wrists from getting too banged up.  I'm into week 3 so far. Mondays I do upper body and usually Thursday I do legs. Fridays I usually do a Workout of the Day with chin-ups, push-ups, squats, box jumps and repeat them for a half hour. I'm still running 3 times a week. Usually twice with the stroller. Victor LOVES it. He starts whining when I'm done my run coz he wants to keep moving. I'm averaging 5 miles at each outing. I'm also still boxing for 30-40 minutes, 3 times a week a night. So my workouts have been going good. And I'm 10 pounds lighter from my weight before I was pregnant. Sweet!

June and July have been pretty busy months. Victor's first birthday was the 6/20, my niece turned 14 on the 6/25, I had my cousin's kids birthday party and a graduation party on the same day the first weekend of June. Add in three concerts (Fidlar, Modern Life is War, and Coliseum) and a couple Union matchs. And we took a short vacation at Ocean City, NJ for July 4th and Zim's 40th birthday. It's been pretty nutty.

Hoping to be back to regular posting soon. Only a couple more busy weekends left!